

ACTION is a union of Sovereign Anishinabe individuals, communities and allies of other Nations who are restoring our Anishinabek Institutions in assertion of our Sovereignty on our collective territories.

ACTION has organized Council Fires that carry out our vision through:

  • Clan Leadership Council Fire
  • Public Relations
  • Biiskabeyaang Kinomaage Gamik
  • Biimaadiziin Cooperative
  • Debwewiin Council Fire (Advocacy on Treaties, Sacred Sites, Occupied Lands, Rights, Duty to Consult mandates)
  • National Defense

ACTION organizes itself by the Anishinabek Clan System governed by Natural Law and Anishinabek Responsibilities passed down since our Creation. We assert Inter-tribal Treaties known as:

The Friendship Belt: This is the  Friendship Belt and the symbols on the belt represent two nations joined together by the Path of Peace. One square represents the Anishinabek and the other square represents the Haudenasaunee. There will always be an open path between them. If one Nation is in need of assistance in times of war the other Nation will help and uphold this alliance.

The One Dish One Spoon Belt: This Treaty is  between the Anishinabek and Haudensaunee Confederacies. Its symbol uses the purple and white beads that represent friendship and peace. The purple “dish” represents the Continent and the different Nations. The white centre represents “beaver” or the resources. Our Nations are only to eat from the dish with one spoon. This means that we are to share the resources and respect each others territories and we will not war with each other  for the dominion of the resources by removing the presence of a knife with the dish and spoon.

The 1764 Treaty of Fort Niagara: The 1764 Treaty of Fort Niagara is an agreement that establishes our alliance with the British Crown where the Canadian State is its current Representative. In this Agreement the Crown offered us the Great Lakes Covenant Chain Confederacy Belt and The Twenty Four Nations Belt where we as those Twenty Four Nations accepted and exchanged with the Crown the Two Row Wampum Belt. By agreeing to this our Nations and the Crown accepted a nation-to-nation relationship rooted in a policy of peace and non-interference. These Belts also serve as the first constitutional documents for the Canadian State and any breach of this agreement is a disengagement of the Canada’s validity as a Country within our territories making all other laws of theirs invalid.

ACTION uses the symbol of the Thunderbird and the philosophy of Biiskabiiyang which means “to come back” Through using the Thunderbird we are invoking and respecting the power of the Thunderbeings and the medicine they bring from the Western Direction. Thunder and Lightening is one of their powers which brings a cleansing in order for new life to prosper

We also use the philosophy of the Unity Flag designed to unify all Indigenous Nations on Turtle Island. It was created by Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall of Mohawk Warrior Society. The flag has a red background with the Suns rays pointing in all Directions shining upon an Indigenous Person who is wearing one Feather.  Under one sun all the Nations across Turtle Island will stand together as one mind, one heart and one spirit.

One response

  1. kevin james stanger (mukwa ode) martin clan temiskaming and temagami first nations

    kwe nice to see other anishinabe nationalist doing something for our people and following the original instructions i am a veteran or warrior of the oka crisis and other conflicts in canada and the u.s.a and a member of a.i.m contact me please if there is any actions or gatherings ceremonies taking place in the future i participate in the three fires confederacy like to know when and where spring ceremonies will be meegwetch

    March 15, 2012 at 3:03 pm

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